The project followed an educational design research approach that aimed “to increase the relevance of educational research for educational policy and practice” (van den Akker, Gravemeijer, McKenney & Nieveen 2006: p3). This approach has the following characteristics:
- Interventionist, aiming to design an intervention in a real school setting.
- Practice-oriented, as its practicality assesses it for users in authentic contexts
- Interactive, based on a cyclical approach to design, evaluation and revision, thereby maximizing practical relevance and,
- Theory-oriented as the design is based upon theory, and the theory is modified by the experience of putting it into practice.
The DRC projects employed the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens – DIGCOMP 2.0. DigComp framework was published by the European Commission and desires to support EU citizens to improve their digital skills and competence through five key areas:
- Information and Data Literacy
- Communication and Collaboration
- Digital Content Creation
- Safety
- Problem-solving
For more information on the five competence areas, please visit: