Module 4: Safety

This module aims to act as a foundation to e-safety and aims to raise teachers’ awareness on the subject matter. It consists of 4 units with an estimated workload of 4 hours. The interactive learning units have been developed to help teachers understand, recognise and manage e-safety within schools.

Unit 1. “Introduction to Safety introduces to e-safety” with and overview of the risks and dangers of the internet.
Unit 2. “Protecting devices”, describes the risks and dangers of the internet and help teachers protect their privacy and stay safe online.
Unit 3. “Protecting data and digital identity”, describes common terms of service, active protections of own data, understanding other people privacy, and advice teachers how to protect self from online fraud and cyberbullying.
Unit 4. “Protecting health and the environment”, equips teachers with practical tips on how to support young people to handle cyberbullying, fake news, sexting and online hate speech. It also briefly explains the impact of ICT on the environment.
Upon completion of this Module participants should be able to:
- Plan activities in class that involve online safety
- Design curricula that foresee the blending of traditional teaching/learning with safety competence;
- Define the definition of internet safety, as well as recognize risks and threats;
- Use practical quick tips on helping children cope with online risks and threats e.g. cyber-bullying, frauds;
- Understand the importance of online safety within the school context;
- Understand the concept of online safety.