The 3rd International Conference on Literacy and Contemporary Society was organized by the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus, in collaboration with the University of Cyprus. The conference was held on 11-12 October 2019 and shed light on the complex interrelation between identities, texts and institutions and provided a dynamic platform where different aspects of identities, texts and institutions will be discussed. (more…)
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4th Newsletter of the DRC project

4th Newsletter of the DRC project

This is the fourth and last newsletter of the DRC project (Digital Responsible Citizenship in a connected world). The DRC project aims to infuse contemporary pedagogical practices in quality lifelong learning for students and teaching professions including teachers, school leaders and teacher educators across Europe. From the current newsletter, you will learn about the final conference and the online certified Digital Citizenship course. Download Newsletter
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3rd Newsletter of the DRC project

3rd Newsletter of the DRC project

This is the third newsletter of the DRC project (Digital Responsible Citizenship in a connected world). The DRC project aims to infuse contemporary pedagogical practices in quality lifelong learning for students and teaching professions including teachers, school leaders and teacher educators across Europe. From the current newsletter, you will learn more about the third partner meeting, the Digital Citizenship Programme and the Digital Citizenship Game. Download Newsletter
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2nd Newsletter of the DRC project

2nd Newsletter of the DRC project

Welcome to the second issue of the DRC newsletter. This newsletter is issued on completion of the project's first year. Find more information regarding the project's progress, the second meeting in Ireland, the main outcomes and project activities. Newsletter
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1st Newsletter of the DRC project

1st Newsletter of the DRC project

Welcome to the first issue of the DRC newsletter. Find more infromation regarding the project's progress, the first meeting in Cyprus, the main outcomes and project activities. Newsletter
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Digital Culture and Digital Citizenship: Exploring the Boundaries

Digital Culture and Digital Citizenship: Exploring the Boundaries

The EC, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, UNESCO, and other partners, are supporting The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. Projects will be implemented integrating activities with schools, research on innovative solutions. EY2018 objective is to help trigger real change in the way we enjoy, protect and promote heritage, benefiting citizens in the longer term. Cultural and Creative Industries(CCIs) is one of the most sustainable sectors in times of crises and can more easily adapt to the changing conditions Europe is the second largest Cultural and Creative industry in the world after Asia, and creates 32% of global CCI revenues and 26% of world-wide CCI jobs. The whole CCIs sector represents around 4% of European GDP and provides jobs to 8 million people (European Commission, 2017). Within the…
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Digital citizenship identity of schools

Digital citizenship identity of schools

The DRC project aims to infuse contemporary pedagogical practices in quality lifelong learning for students and teaching professions including teachers, school leaders and teacher educators across Europe. The consortium reviewed the state of the art and authored a report summarizing the methods, objectives, policies and strategies that are used in each partner country. In addition, parents’, teachers’, education stakeholders’ in general and primary school children’s views about digital citizenship were gathered. In order to tap the needs and challenges related to digital citizenship, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed. The coordinator developed two online surveys tools and focus groups guide. A total of 276 in-service teachers have completed the online survey and 271 parents of primary school students. The qualitative research with the aid of the focus group…
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